Waterfall Sri Gethuk or by any other name Slempret Waterfall is unique because it branched in two slits cliffs and emerged from the sidelines of an arid karst cliffs. Water tejun has a height of about 80 meters and is right at tepiSungai Oyo. There are three springs that gushed around Sri Gethuk waterfall, which springs Dung Poh, Ngandong and Ngumbul.

Waterfall named Sri Sri Getuk or Tap because according to the local public trust in the past, often heard the sound of gamelan, which is believed to belong to the jinn king named Anga Mendura Slempret. That said, the existence of this waterfall is the location of the market genie. On some nights, people often hear the sounds of the trumpet like a waterfall. But if sound is approached, the sound will disappear. That's why people call Waterfall Slempret.

Tourism potential Gunungkidul owned no less interesting than the other districts in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), one of them is Sri Gethuk Waterfall, but people call Waterfall Slempret. Waterfall has beautiful cliffs are located in Padukuhan Menggoran, Village District Bleberan Playen Gunungkidul. Slempret Waterfall not far from the tourist sites of this Kencono Rancang Cave has a beautiful cliff with a height of up to 50 meters with a very romantic atmosphere.

Water flowing from the high cliffs of this stretch of the river fell to Oya with the exotic beauty that is colored with a gurgling sound of water plus a waving palm leaf decorations. Slempret Niagara Region is also supported by three springs that is big enough that springs Dong Poh, Ngandong and Ngumbul with an average discharge 30 s / d 60 liters per second.

Society calls this location as the Waterfall Slempret because according to legend the name derived from the word trumpet slempret which is a wind instrument. It is said that the story is outstanding, the location is a central place or genies or spirits, led by Jin Anggo Menduro. Jin Anggo Menduro this is very like the genie that will art as evidenced by the voice sounds like a trumpet and drum band called the Java language pandulon.Voice sounds are heard at certain moments in the location Padukuhan Menggoran derived from the location of the waterfall, but if it approached the sound will be lost. The voice sounds that dominate the bugle sounds the call until the end of this waterfall is Niagara Slempret, despite its name Sri Gethuk Waterfall.


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